
Current Project


Project 8 - Music for a Greener World

We kicked off the spring season with our last project, Music for a Greener World! This project aims to help save the planet, fighting climate change and supporting sustainable and eco-friendly solutions. 

Project 7 - Cancer for None

Project 7.1 - Gay Is Okay

Long-term project: Cancer for None

Mini project: Gay Is Okay

Fall 2022 Events

Check out the calendar for more details!

Cancer for None

Long-term project striving towards cancer for no one

Gay Is Okay

Mini project to support JASMYN

Project 6 - COVID-19 Birthday Project

For my 23rd birthday, I started this project in search of a way to aid in COVID-19 relief and promote racial equity. The project is raising money for two organizations which support those causes, along with the incorporation materials for Music for the World.

On February 27, 2021, I held a virtual concert to raise money for this project (and streamed online for the first time), and there is an upcoming one on December 11! (See below for details.)

We raised money for the following:

You can help by donating to and/or sharing the GoFundMe campaign, or by making a purchase on Bandcamp until May 1st, 2021.

Highlights from the virtual concerts to come.

D.E.F.I. COVID-19 Concert

D.E.F.I. (December Experience For Inspiration) COVID-19

This is the second Music for the World Concert raising money for the COVID-19 Birthday Project, which was started in February of 2021.

We are exploring in-person options for this concert. Regardless, the event will be streamed online for anyone who cannot make it in person.

Artists performing: Lavender, Psyber, Mayita, Vaniah

To purchase tickets to this concert, please donate a minimum of $5 to the current project fundraiser, which can be found at Donations made between Nov. 1st and Dec. 11th of $5 or more automatically qualify as a ticket purchase. Please write ‘Stream Ticket Purchase’ on the donation message, and take a screenshot of your donation with the date and time as a receipt. You will receive a confirmation message shortly after you make your donation. A reminder message will be sent one hour before the concert start, and the concert streaming link will be sent 30 minutes before the concert start.

Project 5 - Paper for Water

During the summer of 2017, I recorded a full album titled L'Amour Vrai. As a Halloween/Thanksgiving gift, I used the profits from the album to raise money for an organization called Paper for Water, which provides clean water to people all over the world who do not have access to it yet.

Project 4 - Birthday Concert

For my 19th birthday, I celebrated by holding the third MFTW concert, and it was a great turnout! I raised money for Education Gateway Foundation, which provides scholarships to students in Jamaica. I was happy to have received a lot of donations!

Project 3 - Happy Holidays

Music for the World had its second concert in December 2016 in order to collect donations for Unity House in Troy, NY. A box of clothes, food, diapers, and stuffed animals was delivered to Unity House on December 13, 2016! 

Project 2 - Music and More

This project had two parts to it. The first was to raise money for some new recording equipment and copyrights to my songs, so I can keep making music and selling it to benefit the greater community.

Any funds raised after that point went towards buying some items for the Family Emergency Shelter Coalition in Hayward, CA. According to their website, the mission of FESCO Family Shelter is to "[assist] families move toward self-sufficiency." At the time, FESCO was in most need of silverware, pillows, and diapers. The other half of my what I raised went straight to this cause.

I raised money by using Generosity once again, and by holding a miniature concert on my college campus. 

Project 1 - Senior Project

Hello, everyone! My high school has what is called Senior Project, which is a great opportunity for seniors to venture out and do something related to a passion of theirs. According to the Senior Project Committee, “Senior Project provides the student with the opportunity to connect independent learning, life and work while facilitating student passage into a world beyond high school.” This project was perfect for me because it provided a direct outlet for pursuing one of my strongest passions: helping underprivileged children. I supported two organizations/companies during the first three weeks of May 2016.


The first is called Friends of Foot2Afrika, an organization that sends resources to students at Tumona Secondary School in Tanzania. Luckily for me, one of the “friends” works right at my high school. Her name is Ms. Anderson, and she was my on-site contact for the organization.


The second is called Adoptful, Inc. According to their website, “Adoptful helps people find trustworthy adoption agencies, lawyers and service providers.” With the help of Adoptful, prospective adoptive parents can be matched with foster children in need of a loving home.


I raised money for all these children by launching and selling my first EP called Listen Up and by using a fundraising site called Generosity.